The challenges of industrial development 5.0 in the fruit industry
By David Pellicer, Systems Director at J.Gambín
The European Commission has defined the basis for what is set to be the next industrial revolution: Industry 5.0. It complements the previous evolution, 4.0, and will be based on a sustainable, people-centred and resilient industry that will enable a more competitive future industry.
Its backbone is the collaboration between machines and humans to improve productivity, safety and quality in industrial companies, where people will work closely with intelligent machines that will be our assistants in decision making, thus achieving worker empowerment. This will lead to a change in the role of certain workers that will require a transformation involving new skills, which in turn will generate competition between companies to attract the best human talent.
Artificial Intelligence or robotics will play a key role in this fifth revolution, for example the use of cobots, collaborative robots guided by humans, or the application of Digital Twins, virtual representations connected through cyber-physical systems.
In terms of work safety, routine and dangerous tasks will be carried out by them, leaving to humans those tasks where the use of reason and human creativity is required, thus improving occupational health and reducing the number of accidents and injuries.
Another aspect that will be tackled is the development of these systems based on environmentally friendly renewable energies, another core element underpinning this revolution in terms of environmental policy.
All of these aspects are currently being taken into great consideration by the J.GAMBÍN Group in all the processes that we are carrying out, in which we have already resolutely implemented many innovations which go in this direction. At the same time, we are working and evolving each day to overcome the challenge posed by this new industrial revolution in the fruit industry in general and in the citrus industry in particular.
Our vocation for constant improvement and continuous focus on the customer makes us think ahead with determination and enthusiasm by applying new technologies. At the same time, we maintain the focus and importance on our greatest asset: the people who make up GAMBÍN, enabling them to carry out their work in an efficient, agile and innovative manner.