Pruning in citrus production and its influence on final yields
Pruning in citrus production, as it generally happens in any other fruit tree, is not carried out for purely aesthetic reasons. Actually, pruning benefits the crop and its fruit, since not only does it directly affect the health of the crop, improving the yields "size and quality ", but it also represents an important control of alternate bearing and even a reduction in operating costs. This agricultural work will have an immediate impact on the crops, with medium and long term consequences.
At GAMBÍN Group, one of our main objectives with pruning is to obtain better economic results by focusing on the following main aspects:
-Control of tree growth and development
When we talk about this cultivation process, one of the most important issues to take into account is the type of tree (whether it is a young or an adult tree) and its variety. Once we are sure about the phenological stage, the season, the frequency and the intensity of pruning, the next aspect to consider is the different methods to follow in the pruning of the trees, since the result will constitute a solid and balanced vegetative structure capable of producing good yields.
-Improving the quality and size of the fruit.
Through a better distribution of the fruit, both inside and outside the tree, by removing dry and non-productive branches. This, in turn, improves aeration and insolation and significantly reduces the effects of branch induced bruising.
-Alternate bearing control
The problem of alternating harvests, which is a common behaviour in citrus in general and even more accentuated in certain varieties, can be corrected with good pruning management so that large differences do not occur when there are abundant yields followed by low yields.
-Reduction of cultivation costs
Although pruning has a priori a considerable impact on crop costs, it also has a beneficial effect on the rest of the operational items, thus providing significant savings and an optimal execution of processes such as phytosanitary treatments, harvests and part of the citrus cultural work.