"Affinity with the customer is essential in citrus fruit exports"
He walked into GAMBÍN one day to negotiate a citrus fruit export supply agreement for a British supermarket. What he didn't know was that this would be the beginning of a long relationship that is about to turn a decade long. "The management showed interest in my profile, we talked and a few days later I joined the company", he recalls. His name is José Francisco Pérez, better known as 'Fran', and he is the company's Export Sales Manager.
His main job is the daily management of most of the international markets in which GAMBÍN operates, including both large supermarket chains and traditional markets, especially those located in France, Italy, Poland and other European countries. Reception of orders, customer service, coordination with the production and logistics areas regarding the orders received and monitoring of citrus fruit export customer accounts are some of his main tasks.
"It is a very exciting job, because it is dynamic and therefore not at all monotonous. Not only because of the characteristics of the job but also because of the special nature of a product such as citrus fruit", he explains. "It depends on many factors. It is a perishable product, which has a production limit, with qualities that vary depending on the harvests and internal factors such as the weather. No season is ever the same", he reflects.
Maximum concentration and dedication are therefore essential requirements for his work. "You have to be always alert and awake in order to grasp all the circumstances around you and to be fully informed," he says. Furthermore, you need to have a close relationship with the client. "Whether they are responsible for purchasing departments in large supermarkets or market owners, it is essential to have an affinity with them. Mutual trust is indispensable in order to be able to navigate any possible problems or setbacks that may arise," he stresses.
According to Fran, this would not be possible without having a great team and a solid organisational structure behind him. "The main characteristics of GAMBÍN are its ability to work and its adaptability, based on the continuous search for improvements in production and logistical processes. This allows us to meet our customers' needs as soon as possible", he assures. In his experience, this is fundamental in an absolutely global world where competition is constant and where Spanish producers are no longer alone. "Being aware of this circumstance and adapting to it is key. As well as continuing to stand out for quality, which is something that differentiates GAMBÍN in the markets. We are a well-established brand, reliable both for the characteristics of our product and for our commitment and continuity. This is something that our customers value above everything else and, of course, we will continue to maintain it", he concludes.