How to prevent citrus fruits from falling prematurely
At GAMBÍN we work continuously on the development and implementation of techniques that allow us to guarantee maximum quality in our processes and products. Our various departments are constantly carrying out monitoring, correction and control work to ensure that everything meets the high standards we set for ourselves. Naturally, the field is one of the fundamental pillars of this philosophy, due to the nature of our activity.
The premature fall of citrus fruits causes a significant economic loss each season. Many factors play a role in this problem, although these can be avoided by taking the appropriate precautions.
Among them we can find the breakage of the citrus stalk, normally due to strong winds or to responses to stress situations that the plant is suffering. We can also find pre-ripening falls, which can occur more frequently in some varieties, mainly the late ones such as Clemenvilla, Navelate, Lane Late or Navel, which is aggravated by adverse weather conditions.
In order to avoid them as much as possible and to guarantee that our products come directly from the tree, and not from the ground, we apply a series of techniques and treatments of proven efficacy following multiple researches and tests carried out by technicians from GAMBÍN.
For example, the phytoregulators “Dichlorprop-P (2-ethylhexyl ester) 2.5%”, which delay the enzymatic activity that favours the abscission of the fruit in the cultivation of citrus fruits, producing a protective effect on the fall of the fruit. The greatest effectiveness is obtained by treating most fruits while they are still unripe, but about to change colour.
The auxinic effect of some phytoregulators acts by preventing the fall of ripe fruit in periods close to harvesting. In the same way, these phytoregulators stimulate the growth capacity of all the fruit tissues, which allows an increase in the development capacity of the fruit and increases the percentage of larger size fruits, reducing the smaller sizes.
Our system of constant traceability and analysis guarantees the innocuousness for the health of the consumer and the conditions of our citrus fruits, which arrive to the market with the unique colour, smell and flavour given by our fields.