Full commitment also against Omicron
Since the Covid-19 pandemic was declared almost two years ago, GAMBÍN's awareness and commitment to implementing measures aimed at ensuring the health of workers and visitors at our facilities has been at its highest level.
The company reacted quickly by implementing actions along several lines of action and using all the resources at its disposal. It did so from both an operational and a communicative point of view, ensuring that the information reached each and every member of the staff and those who interact with the company in one way or another.
The managers of the different areas of the company regularly update their respective teams on the different protocols, which are modified according to what the health authorities and public administration establish at each moment of the pandemic.
The arrival of the Omicron variant and the delay in overcoming the pandemic has not meant an ounce of relaxation, quite the contrary. GAMBÍN continues to act with rigour and responsibility in order to ensure that neither its activity nor the people who are part of the company are affected by Covid-19.
The increased transmissibility of the new variant has made it necessary to implement measures which, although fully established and already included in the company's safety plans, had to some extent been overtaken by vaccination.
Since the beginning of December, when the outbreak of this virus mutation became apparent, the company's management has reactivated the strictest contingency plans.
The reorganisation of the workplaces, especially in the offices, the commitment to teleworking for administrative staff and the increased frequency of informative talks are, together with the maximum restriction of access to the facilities for external staff, some of the actions implemented. All these actions coexist with those which have already been implemented, such as temperature control at access, the constant changing of the employees’ face masks, the provision of hand sanitiser dispensers, the installation of partition screens and keeping the safety distance.
At GAMBÍN, the safety of both the people and the product we distribute is an absolute priority, a premise that determines every decision and every action we take.