GAMBÍN brand: identification at the point of sale
Through its multiple brands, GAMBÍN Group identifies the different varieties and qualities that meet the needs of the diverse market segments. There is a GAMBÍN brand for each customer, according to its characteristics and price, thus achieving the maximum adaptation to each niche depending on the marketing channel, price or particularities of the consumer in terms of packaging format, presentation or image.
The Knowledge and understanding of this categorisation is key, something that GAMBÍN Group has been able to consolidate over the years with its informative and communicative work through its various channels, as well as its continuous physical presence for the collection of data, information and perceptions provided by both distributors and the final buyer.
All GAMBÍN brands guarantee compliance with clear and consistent quality standards, as well as their presence in associated distributors that have been carefully selected for their characteristics, conditions and alignment with the company's values.
For this reason, it is essential that buyers can clearly recognise and identify the continuous points of sale of GAMBÍN citrus fruits, something that the company reinforces with the provision of image and marketing elements that help to differentiate these establishments in their different physical locations within the most important markets or distribution points in the many cities in Europe where they are present.
Poland, Italy and France are some of the countries that have a 'Gambín Corner', or even clear signage on the outside of their facilities that identifies them as distributors of the GAMBÍN brand in their geographical area.