2020, a year of challenges
In January we start a new year and at GAMBÍN we do so with the strength and enthusiasm that always characterize us. The calendar gives us 365 blank sheets that we are willing to fill with commitment, teamwork, attention to detail and the best product and attention to our customers.
But in addition, 2020 presents us with a series of milestones and challenges we have set out to meet, as it seems fit for a local company with a wide international disposition. We wish to contribute to improve the citrus business and our society in general, and therefore we have started to take the appropriate steps. Some of these steps are already in our strategic plan and we will address them with determination during the following months.
Climate change is a reality, as evidenced by the overall data and the intense calls to action made by all kinds of groups; from scientists to politicians, including the youngest amongst us, the ones who will inherit our planet. As such, the love for the countryside, the care for our environment and the respect for nature is to be found in the DNA of GAMBÍN. Our search continues for the use of sustainable processes and materials. We have taken the road to zero residue levels; we propose the use of ecological packaging and the reduction of CO2 emissions through optimizing our machinery and resources. All these measures are thus already present at our company, and we will increase them even more.
Furthermore, we are no strangers to the movements that occur in trade. We are all pieces of an infinite global board game. Aware of this fact, the company adapts to the levels of competitiveness on the market, trying to focus always on maximum quality and reliability. This is the formula that has brought us here and we will remain faithful to it in order to continue obtaining the trust of our customers.
The commitment to excellence requires dynamic action and permanent improvement. Our teams work continuously on implementing innovative processes from field to final delivery. We achieve this through conversion of our crops by planting more productive varieties. We also apply the latest technologies studying and monitoring crops, in collection and transport. We also employ the most sophisticated techniques for fruit selection and packaging.
We never fail to remember the strong relationship we have with our customers and provide them with tools that allow them to increase their benefits with the end consumers. Sound marketing and communication strategies have allowed us to reach both customers and partners, suppliers and employees, this using the latest information technologies as of 2019. In 2020 we will be able to give you broader information on this topic and more issues at hand. Our purpose is to walk along this exciting path together.